Trees for Life

Each year, Maritime Electric employees volunteer to plant trees at Island schools, parks and communities as part of Trees for Life. The program began in 2019 with employees from across the company planting trees at École La Belle-Cloche and Kinkora Regional High School. It's estimated that these trees will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 6,530 kg/year.
In 2020, the Trees for Life program was adapted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Maritime Electric donated trees to seven Island communities and schools for planting by community members and students. In 2021, employee planting resumed at Orlebar Park in Charlottetown.
“We were thrilled the Trees for Life program chose our school and we are thankful for the many volunteers from Maritime Electric who planted oak, maple and spruce trees throughout our school grounds. In the years ahead, we will remember the effort that went into creating trees for a knowledge path, a wind screen for our wigwam where Indigenous elders will come to share stories with students, shade for our playground and trees to support our outdoor learning environment. Thank you Trees for Life and Maritime Electric employees!”
Mary Kendrick, Principal at Mount Stewart Consolidated School
"I learned about the Trees for Life program and thought it would be a great opportunity to have more trees in our community park - Orlebar Park. The application was very straightforward and easy to complete. Once selected, Maritime Electric made the process so easy and seamless. Our community is thankful for the native species of trees that were planted at Orlebar Park! Thank you!"
Ellen Mullally, Member of the North of Euston Neighbourhood
"We look forward to having shady places to picnic and watch the tennis in the future. Thanks very much to Maritime Electric for donating and delivering the trees."
Miltonvale Park
"Our grade 5 class planted these on our school property and the nature trail behind the school. Every student had a chance to plant a tree. Some students worked together to dig the larger holes for the tall maples and birch trees. By adding these trees to our school property and nature trail, we are helping the environment. We are also providing habitats for birds, insects and other animals. We are thankful for your generosity and are happy to help our environment."
Mrs. Cann’s Grade 5 class, Southern Kings Consolidated School
"The Trees for Life program has been a huge success at Kinkora Regional High School. The number and quality of trees that were selected for our school far surpassed our expectations. I would very strongly recommend the Trees for Life program to any other school and sincerely hope that this great initiative continues."
Ryan McAleer, Principal at Kinkora Regional High School