Tree Planting Guide

Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place

Did you know fallen trees and tree branches are one of the most common causes of power outages on PEI? Making the right choices for the species and locations of trees can help prevent future safety hazards and power outages for you and your neighbours.

If you are planting a new tree, consider how large it will grow and what it will look like in 10 or even 20 years. Before choosing a place to plant your tree, contact your local tree nursery to determine the mature height of the tree. A 30 ft. tree at maturity should be planted at least 45 ft. away from power lines to help ensure it will not interfere with the power lines in the future. The taller the tree, the further away the tree needs to be planted from the power lines to ensure the reliability of the power system. Only low growing species should be planted in proximity to power lines.

Download our full Tree Planting Guide [PDF-2.12 MB] for a list of species that are suitable for each zone. 



Did you know?

You can also strategically plant trees to help increase the energy efficiency of your home?