Paying Your Bill

Payment options

Explore the payment options below to find the one that best fits your needs:

Telephone or Online Banking

Major banks and credit unions accept payments for Maritime Electric electricity bills. Add Maritime Electric as a payee on your bank account.

Note: There can be a delay of up to 7 days for online and phone banking payments.

No Fee

At a Bank or Credit Union

Major banks and credit unions in Prince Edward Island accept payments for Maritime Electric bills. Visit your bank or credit union.

Note: There can be a delay of up to 7 business days for this payment method.

No Fee

Pre-Authorized Payment

The Pre-Authorized Payment Plan assures your payment arrives on time, every time.

Fill out and send the Pre-Authorized Payment Form [PDF-83.4 KB] to Maritime Electric, including a void cheque or Pre-Authorized payment form from your financial institution.

No Fee

Equalized Payment Plan

The Equalized Payment Plan allows you to make equal payments on your electricity bill for the year by pre-authorized debit on the due date of each monthly bill.

For 11 months the payment is the same, and on the 12th month the payment is adjusted according to the remaining balance or credit on your account.

Contact Us for more information or to get started on your equalized payment plan.

No Fee

Credit Card Payment Option

You can make a payment with your Visa or MasterCard online or by phone through Paymentus.

Call toll-free at 1-877-954-2076.

Note: When you pay online please allow 3 to 6 business days for payment to process to your Maritime Electric account.

A payment fee of 1.75% is payable to Paymentus for every individual payment when you pay your electric bills using this service.

The limit per transaction is $1,000.00.

Payment Centres

You can visit one of the Maritime Electric Payment Centres across Prince Edward Island to make a payment.

Deposits can be paid at the Payment Centres.

Gift cards can be purchased and cashed at Payment Centres.

Find a Payment Centre near you.

No Fee

By Mail

You can mail a cheque to Maritime Electric at the following mailing address:

Maritime Electric
PO Box 1328
180 Kent Street
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 7N2

No Fee